Prevailing Unease in International Students Over OPT in The USA

3 min readNov 19, 2020


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Indian Students, who are going to finish their Masters in the United States are confronting a colossal emergency dreading their future over the Optional Practical Training Program (OPT) that permits global Students to incidentally work in the United States once they graduate.

Students finishing their course in May and June need to apply for OPT a couple of days before the completion of the course and once affirmed they would get 90 days to find into a line of work or probably would lose their visa status. The huge worry among these Students is whether they would have the option to look for an occupation in the following four to five months in this emergency when occupations will be elusive as employing will be pretty much nothing.

“With lakhs of occupations in question because of the approaching economic slowdown with the pandemic where will we secure new positions,” said an understudy from Michigan State University (MSU).

A ray of hope, anyway for them is the teachers in the USA encouraging the US government not to consider the joblessness period in the COVID-19 crisis period under as far as possible.

The Association of International Educators composed a letter to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requesting that the specialists give this admission to the unfamiliar Students on US grounds.

It likewise mentioned the DHS and the Government also distribute a notification pf “Unique Student Relief” in the Federal Register as was done before to help the Nepali Students influenced by a gigantic seismic tremor in Nepal in 2015.

The comparative concession was given to Students from Libya and Syria influenced by common turmoil in their nations in 2011.

Indian and Chinese Students structure the greatest ethnic gatherings on US grounds and Indian Students, especially focus on the IT occupations that are bounty in number and figure out how to find a new line of work on OPT.

Teachers in India take a gander at a greater picture than simply the OPT and prompt the Students not to stress over it much starting at now. The US government is probably going to give a few concessions to OPT, Students, once it beats the plague and there will be a few legitimate insurances also.

Narsi Gayam, a teacher with an unmistakable fascination for US schooling says the world will change radically and the speculation drastically in a couple of months when it effectively conquers the current test hurled by Covid.

“The geo-political, economic and technological thinking will go through a huge churn and no one can predict on what lines the world will function,” he says adding that OPT is a little issue in another world. “So Students need not break their heads over it now.”

