5 Techniques to Boost eCommerce Customer Service

3 min readNov 18, 2020


Did you know that almost 67% of millennials prefer online shopping? there is a huge market outside to capture. The convenience of online shopping is incomparable. Online firms must understand customer retention rely upon the satisfaction they get from customer care. Here are some vital techniques using those, one can capitalize phenomenally:

1. Diversify Across Multiple Social Media Channels

A multichannel strategy utilizes a few mediums to encourage effective customer satisfaction. Through an efficient arrangement, you build a solid establishment with your customers by reaching and Interacting with them. In spite of the fact that you may diversify your scope, you actually need to streamline your online media advancement to produce the best outcomes. That incorporates having the option to recognize the best correspondence channel to help your clients well. However, do not depend on the only channel.

2. Recover Abandoned Cart Sales

Many eCommerce businesses lose potential clients because of the cart abandonment issue. In many cases, buyers discover some disappointing data just before they complete the buy. Consequently, the frustrated client leaves the site, and businesses lose deals. This disappointing data could incorporate high prices, late delivery dates, extra charges for taxes and dispatching, and many more. You could address the issue by emailing your potential prompts to gather data about the cart abandonment. Endless supply of this information, you could course address by diminishing them of their issues. You could give discounts, gifts, free transportation, or quicker delivery to draw in them to your administrations.

3. Personalize in Real-time

General marketing strategies that have a one-size-fits-all vibe is no longer relevant. Today customers are spoilt for decisions and favor an item that is made explicitly for them. 73% of purchasers incline toward the brands that use their own data to make a client-driven experience. Along these lines, use all the client data available to you to make marketing messages that appeal to them. Showing that you’re relatable and realize how to take care of their difficulties will support sales and popularity. However, while being relatable, don’t forget to respect your customer’s privacy.

4. Provide a Better Customer Experience

Happy customer, Happy business

Obviously, client care plays the main function in the eCommerce business. In case you’re in an exceptionally competitive space, make your client experience incredibly consistent and straightforward for your customers. An interest in the customer experience separates you from your opposition and develops your business significantly. Consider each operational aspect and make it to contribute to the larger goals of improved customer care. Guarantee you fast delivery, support well, and build a respectable picture.

5. Optimize your Search Results

If your customer can easily find the right product through your searches, the probability of a purchase increases. You can take advantage of this revenue, as well, by improving your search results to create wanted results on text and voice inputs. Firms need to focus on the appearance, access, and use of the search bar. Guarantee high visibility and availability of your search bar on all website pages. You simplify website navigation and improve search results through these actions. Empowering search through product attributes, for example, price range, color, category, and others can also prove useful to customers.

Every eCommerce success story tells a single story personalization of user experience must remain the firm’s primary goal. Then only they can create their online presence and can build a loyal client base. These all tips and many other techniques are generally being used by our parent company APK Technosys on day to day basis. We are very much able to fulfill the promise given to our clients and business partners.

